Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Embroidery Designs Backup

Too many people wait until disaster strikes before they think about a backup. A good backup is an excellent way to protect against viruses, deteriorating hard drives, disasters and human errors. As an embroidery business, embroidery designs are your most important assets after your employees and customers. Wilcom Embroidery Software provides you with a number of the software tools and how to use it. To arm yourself with the full power of Wilcom ES, you have a choice to create a backup your embroidery designs to support the high productivity and efficiency requirements of professional digitizers. Wilcom ES features built in auto backup and auto save features that you can use while creating designs.

Make Embroidery design backing up a part of your normal scheduled daily tasks.

Save your work automatically at regular intervals using Auto Save to protect you from losing work in the event of hardware or software failure. You can also create backup files for emergency use.

To set automatic save and backup options
  1. Select Special > Options
  2. The Options >View Design dialog opens.
  3. Select object types for immediate stitch generation
  4. Select Options (Special menu) to set automatic save and backup options.
  5. Select the General tab.
  6. Select the Auto Save Design Every checkbox.
  7. Enter the auto-save frequency in the Minutes field
  8. To create a backup every time you save a design, select the Always Create Backup Copy checkbox.
  9. Click OK

The design will be saved in the backup folder of your Wilcom ES installation. It will have the same name as the original file with the extension BAK. 

How to retrieving embroidery design backup files that are located in the backup folder.

Created backup files saved to the backup folder will have the file extension .BAK. Windows and ES however will not recognise this file extension as a valid embroidery file. To adjust the file extension of the backup file.

  1. Click on the windows start button and select run.
  2. Type the location of the backup folder, the default path is c:\eswin\backup
  3. The backup folder will now appear in a new window.
  4. Select the new window and right mouse click the design you wish retrieve and select rename.
  5. Change the extension from .BAK to the design file extension the original design was.
  6. For example if the original design was a Wilcom .EMB file you would need to change the extension from .BAK to .EMB

  • Backup files should be kept in a separate location to the original files, preferably off site.
  • Don't simply rely on backup software to get it right 100% of the time, no matter how good you think your backup software is. 
  • To ensure that your backups are protecting you, periodically test the backup jobs by attempting to restore them to an alternate location. 
  • Your Embroidery design backup files remain in the backup folder until you delete them. To prevent the folder from using too much hard disk space, delete unwanted Files regularly.

Wilcom ES provides a wide range of design capabilities, allowing you to create, edit, and backup embroidery designs with ease. Make sure to back up your embroidery designs  before you begin working with the product.